Monday, October 24, 2005

Coincidental Happenings Pertaining to Scumbags and My Theory

Odd as it may seem, the coincidences are just far too many now for it to be anything else.

My composition no longer shows in search engine search's, but scumbag losers using it and not wanting to get caught seem to have managed to place their commentary about it in those search results. Rather pathetic.

For months there was no problem, but as I have no corporate or institutional affiliations, these losers think they can just steal the premise of the work.

All that means is that they haven't even read the subject matter. They don't belong in the areas of information that they are attempting to appear as if they do.

It's a sad laugh. The fact that these pathetic scum who's daddy wants to see some good grades do this, is really a damge to that which they are claiming to understand.

Their actions and those of the other filth that help them, negate the very meaning of the work itself. They see it as an attention getter...and nothing more. It's beyond pathetic. It doesn't even rank as topical.

Daddy can buy you a "Dick and Jane" book report so the prof that you purchased can give you a nice grade and say that you are neato. Why would anyone even participate in their actions.... especially if they gave one flying fuck about the subject matter itself?

What is mildly amusing about it, is they act as though they are some sort of secret agents in doing so.... when really it's just embarrassing. Embarrassing to the entire concept of being a human being... of understanding and existing. Doing so for the hope of some falsely gained trinket. Doing so because their mommy said they could if they were jealous.

The violations in their actions should easily divest any of them from any sort of influence within society much less pertaining to subject matter of the Philosophical sort.

Just a serious question in that on so many levels.

Do they think it is just Mickey Mouse cartoon drivel that they are going to figure head?

"Look what my mommy thinks that you think that I did. I'm special."

What the fuck is that? People aren't really that stupid... maybe more so now that I think about it... if it is that there is still some inspiration for these morons to continue with such pathetic actions. they must think that someone somewhere is going to think that they produced works in such a field.

Amazing when you really think about it. Amazing that anyone on the planet is still alive with empty headed morons like that around. Just fucking amazing.

Yeah... "rant" you may say... but I already know of no less than three people (one of which already has a degree in some phony crap) that have already used the premise of what I have put forward as if it were their own.

Sad that there are those out there that automatically take the stance of defensiveness, as they were programmed to do in "making their name" or what ever it is that such pathetic crap comes from.

Sad that society supports it....

Do they realize what is lost in stealing such work.. regardless of it being good or bad? Just the fact that they violate the very basic elements of existence within it?

I suppose we all will get what they deserve since it seems to be rather acceptible for them to do so.

I really couldn't care less about some moron acting like a chimp in the manner of laying claim to something that isn't theirs.... it's the fact that it's allowed in the sense of what is lost in such an action.

Disney doesn't really run the fucking universe.

I suppose nothing will stop the pilferring... and to think of what they seem to think they will gain... it is definitely argument against any intelligent life on this planet what so ever.

It is just disapointing that everyone else has to actually suffer the results of their self absorbed and self important actions. Gaining less in their purchases and thievery than they would in the action of existence.

There isn't a good excuse for the type of damage that is incurred when hack scumbags posture in manners they don't really even fathom. Only for some signed piece of paper from some other hack scumbag that says they are now officially smart and part of a successful clique. A clique obviously built on nothing but decades and generations of the very same fraudulent actions and claims.

Damn sad.